Important note:

Please note we have a regularly scheduled maintenance on 1 April, 2025 and the shop will be unavailable for several hours starting at 06:00am IST. Thank you for your patience!



This Grievance Redressal Policy, (“Policy”) as advised by Healy World Trading India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Healy World”), has been formulated to address queries, dissatisfaction, complaints and grievances through proper service delivery and review mechanisms and to ensure prompt redressal of queries, complaints, and grievances. Healy World endeavours to provide excellent services and products. In the event that you, as a Consumer and/or an Independent Healy World Member (“IHWM”), face any issue, concern or grievance or want to share your valuable feedback or appraisal, this Policy document aims to guide you through the various redressal processes and the review mechanism thereon to ensure prompt redressal of queries, complaints, and grievances.

This Policy focuses on enhancing Consumer satisfaction by collecting feedback from Consumers and IHWM across all business units. Action plans are subsequently put in place to address key issues which are assigned to the relevant senior leaders to action.


  1. “Consumer” shall have the same meaning as provided under Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
  2. “IHWM” refers to the Independent Healy World Member who has entered into the IHWM Contract and is working as an independent Direct Seller for Healy World.
  3. “Grievance” or “Complaint” includes any communication that expresses dissatisfaction, in terms of conduct, or any act of omission or commission of offence or deficiency of service and which seeks a remedial action but does not include the following—
  • complaints that are incomplete or not specific in nature;
  • communications that are offering suggestions or recommendations;
  • communications seeking guidance or explanation;
  1. “Working Hours” shall refer to the time period during which the offices of Healy World are operational, and employees are available for discharge of their official duties in accordance with the applicable laws. The usual working hours shall be from 09:00 am to 6:00 pm, including a break for lunch.


The objective of the policy is to:

  1. Ensure visibility and accessibility of complaint handling procedures.
  2. Provide access to a grievance redressal policy.
  3. Handle complaints professionally and with transparency.
  4. Ensure confidentiality of complainant’s information unless required for addressing the complaint itself.
  5. Ensure that all IHWMs and Consumers are treated fairly and without bias.
  6. Ensure that all issues raised by IHWMs, and Consumers are dealt with in a courteous manner and resolved on a timely basis.
  7. Ensure that IHWMs and Consumers are completely informed of their rights. If they are not fully satisfied with Healy World’s response or resolution to their complaint as provided by law, they can opt for other resolutions made available by Healy World.

Healy World takes pride to address all complaints and concerns brought to their attention by IHWMs and Consumers and also acknowledge the importance to understand, classify and differentiate complaints from queries. Healy World takes feedback to evolve according to the needs of anyone associated with Healy World.

Registered Office Address:

Level 2, Elegance Tower, Old Mathura Road Jasola, New Delhi- 110025, IN.

Corporate Office Address:

New No 51 Old No 14, Richmond Road, Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka, 560025.


You can get in touch with us in relation to any product or services provided by Healy World. Please feel free to get in touch as follows with feedback, clarifications, queries, and complaints:

  1. In Person: You can contact us in person during Working Hours either, at our Registered Office or Corporate Office.
  2. In writing via post or courier: Please address the said consignment to our Registered Office Address. In your letter, please include date of purchase, details of the IHWM from whom the purchase was made, a copy of the purchase invoice and any other relevant details.
  3. Via Email: Please write to us at by giving full details about the nature of your issue or grievance including date of purchase, IHWM from whom the purchase has been made, a copy of the purchase invoice and any other relevant details.
  4. Via Healy World’s Website: You may reach us through our website, which is available at: thereafter, by clicking on the ‘Register Complaints’ tab which will automatically redirect you to a “Form for submission of an online complaint”.
  5. Calling our Customer Service Number: You can call our Customer Service Team on (+91 9606479045).

Grievance Committee (Grievance Redressal Officers):

Sr. No. Name of the Member Designation Email ID
1. Mr. Sachin Gupta Managing Director
2. Ram Mishra Academy & Leadership Development Manager
3. Avnish Kumar Head of Operations


  1. Anyone (“Complainant”) who contacted us through any of the modes mentioned above will be provided with a Unique Reference Number (URN). We will respond accordingly to acknowledge receipt of the complaints within forty eight (48) hours.
  2. In case, Complainant does not receive any acknowledgement, we would request the Complainant to contact us again via any of the abovementioned modes.
  3. Complainant can quote the URN for ascertaining the status of the communication in question. All communications will be registered in the Consumer Grievance Register (“the Register”). The Register shall include full details of the Complainant (name, address, and contact details), date of receipt, description of the complaint, category of complaint etc. as required to identify and resolve the matter as per all legal obligations.
  4. The URN can be utilised by the Complainant to know the status and stage of resolution. The URN should be referenced by the Complainant in all communications being made with regard to the same issue in order for the company to be able to provide faster and more accurate resolutions.
  5. Complaints which are capable of being handled by the Consumer Care Executives shall be dealt with according to the policies of Healy World including Healy World’s Return, Refund & Exchange Policy. Any communication or complaint can be escalated at any time, to the Grievance Redressal Committee established by Healy World (“the Committee”), either by the Consumer Care Executive or the Complainant.
  6. The Committee will meet within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the complaint to review the grievance of the Complainant. If upon review, it is decided that more documents or clarifications are needed, a written request will be sent to the Complainant asking for such details to be provided within seven (7) working days from the date of such request or within the additional time asked for by the complainant. All complaints received shall be resolved within thirty (30) days of its receipt. However, for reasons provided in writing to the Complainant, the said time can be increased but only in exceptional cases.
  7. The Committee reserves the right to close the case in the event that the Complainant failed/neglected to provide further clarification or documents requested by the Committee within the specified timeline communicated.
  8. Upon receipt of the information and supporting documents from the Complainant, if any, and its subsequent review, the Committee will investigate the complaint. If required, the Committee will seek an explanation from any person mentioned in the complaint or familiar with the allegations. Post review and personal hearing (if deemed necessary), the Committee will give its findings which shall be final and binding.
  9. The Committee can also seek any other information or document from Healy World or any other person, that it may deem necessary to resolve the complaint.
  10. The Committee will not normally provide a personal hearing and will be guided by the documents or information made available in writing. However, if it deems necessary in the interest of justice and for the suitable resolution of the complaint, it may decide to grant a hearing to the Complainant and/or the person against who the complaint has been made either in person or by telephone.
  11. Upon perusal of the documents and/or after hearing the parties, the Committee will present its findings. If it is established that, for example, the money paid by the Consumer ought to be refunded, or the Complainant has genuinely suffered harm, it will order the Company or the IHWM to refund the paid amount or compensate the Consumer for such harm. However, if it concludes that the complaint has no merit, the Committee will dismiss the complaint and inform the Complainant accordingly.
  12. All the proceedings of the Committee will be duly recorded in writing and will be available to any regulatory authority for inspection.


The Committee will endeavour to resolve every complaint, answer every query, or clarify any doubts within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the same, except in cases of “force majeure” (for example pandemic, lock-down, act of God and other circumstances beyond Healy Worlds control) or for reasons provided in writing to the Complainant in exceptional cases. The Committee also has the discretion to extend the timeframe in the event that the Complainant submitted a written request for an extension in order to provide further documents/details. In order to do so, it would need the full support and co-operation from the Complainant in terms of timely submission of information, clarification, or documents of any kind to substantiate the complaint to enable suitable action to resolve the complaint satisfactorily. In case of delay in the redressal, explanatory reasons shall be sent in writing to the complainant.


The decision taken by the Committee is final and binding, unless appealed by the complainant within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of resolution of the said complaint. Not all appealed resolutions will be re-investigated if deemed by Healy World that the original resolution was final and satisfactory. In all other cases, the Appellate Committee shall be constituted to review and investigate the matter under the written consensus of the two (2) Directors of Healy World or two authorised officers of Healy World duly appointed by the directors. An appeal can be raised by sending an e-mail to Admission or non-admission shall be communicated to the person concerned, with or without assigning any reason. The admission of one appeal shall not be a precedent for the same or a similar appeal. Healy World reserves the right to take any decision including the reversal of the resolution proposed in an appeal.


A periodic dashboard of Consumer complaints and grievances will be presented by the Committee at meetings, showing therein the total number of grievances received, grievances resolved, categorization of grievances and steps by way of process refinement taken up to mitigate grievances.


Healy World shall review the policy when deemed necessary and make the necessary changes/amendments but at least once annually.

Healy World Trading India Pvt Ltd

Registered Address: ‘

Level 2, Elegance Tower,
Old Mathura Road, Jasola,

New Delhi- 110025, IN

+91 9606479045 / 46 / 47

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